With Spring in full force and April here, we are going to start seeing lots of changes. I love watching all the spring flowers coming up. With these changes happening, I figured now is as good as ever to make some more changes. The beginning of a new blog, and some new nails! I have had my acrylics on for 16 months (this time), and I've had enough. I have been wanting to grow my nails out for a while, but I was afraid to take the acrylics off. I am a huge nail biter. I don't even realize I am doing it until it is too late. But I have some good length, and some great products on their way to help me keep them strong.
I soaked my remaining acrylics off and oiled, oiled, oiled my dry nails. Here are my naked shots after oiling:
Left Hand:
Right Hand:
These were taken before I polished them. Hopefully they don't take long to get all of them grown out and shaped.
What are your favorite products to keep your nails healthy??
Until next time,